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TREASURE ahoy!!! 😄❤️

Join us on the 24th & 31st of August, as we hold our first (and second!) Store Treasure Cup!!! 😄

Store Treasure Cups bring the excitement and prizes of Treasure Cups to local gaming stores!

What:           One Piece Card Game – Store Treasure Cup
           24th & 31st  August, Saturday, 3pm
Format:        Constructed, Swiss
Entry:           $15 (includes Event Pack Volume 4)



  • Top 2-4 will get an extra Event Pack vol. 4
  • WINNER will receive a Store Treasure Cup Trophy Card OP06-093 Perona!
  • PLUS a Lucky draw for another Treasure Cup Trophy Card OP06-093 Perona!


Bandai TCG+ Event link: Register Here

Please arrive 15-20 minutes prior the event, thank you!

Join our ONE PIECE Roost Crew, The Negura (ねぐら) Pirates!  ❤