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ONE PIECE CARD GAME: ST-15 ~ ST-20 Deck Limited Battle

Join in to commemorate the release of the latest 6 Starter Decks ❤

This special tournament is limited to the use of Starter Decks ST-15 ~ ST-20, which levels the playing field and makes it easy for beginners to join in too!

Buy one of these new Starter Decks that let you start playing right away and then join the fun of this event and get awesome exclusive prizes!

Players must use one of the designated One Piece Card Game Starter Decks, ST-15 ~ ST~20, for this event.

  • 26 October, Saturday, 3-6pm
  • Game Roost, Rosedale Auckland
  • Entry: Just buy any ST-15 ~ ST-20 deck from $30 to join OR pay $15 if you BYO


  • All participating players: 1x One Piece Playsheet of their choice (6 variants, whilst stocks lasts) and a participation pack
  • Winner: ST-15 ~ ST-20 Release Event Winner Pack and a Silver Foil Storage Box


Registration for the event is not yet public. Watch out for it on Bandai TCG+

Join our ONE PIECE Roost Crew, The Negura (ねぐら) Pirates! ❤